Waking The Elf

The dwarf scanned the immediate area but it seemed he was the only one up and moving. He moved to where Miklos lay on the ground and checked if the young mage were still alive. Which he was. So it seemed that his friends were merely sleeping or paralyzed. Feldard didn’t know magick well but he hoped with the darkmage dead that any enchantments cast would soon wear off. Until such time as it did he would stand watch over them.

He then walked over to the stairwell to find the sleeping elf curled up on the floor at the base of the stairs. He then set about to waking her up from the magical slumber.


Filed under D&D, Dungeons & Dragons, rpg

5 responses to “Waking The Elf

  1. Saeth: +105xp combat
    Maruc: +105xp combat
    Miklos: +105xp combat
    Nicolai: +105xp combat
    Feldard: 10xp +5xp +10xp +105xp combat

    Saeth: 5525/8000
    Maruc: 5490/6000
    Miklos: 5435/10000
    Nicolai: 5120/9600
    Feldard: 5600/8800

  2. Feldard (Lvl 2 Dwf)

    Feldard nudged at the elven fighter with a booted foot while prepared to step back. He was well aware of her prowess with daggers and while there were none in hand presently that didn’t mean she wouldn’t wake from the magical slumber and not pull one on him before realizing it was he. “Saeth, quit sleeping on the job!”

  3. Saeth Tegau

    Saeth’s eye opened halfway, and a groan sounded as she felt around, trying to find her blade. “Give me my sword back, and I’ll make you regret you were ever born!” Only after a moment did she realize that it wasn’t the wizard who had her at his mercy. “Where’d he go? Did he flee up the stairs?”

  4. Saeth Tegau

    Her daggers! I knew I was forgetting something! Count yourself lucky, Sinjitha! (~_^) Did I remember that name right?

  5. Feldard (Lvl 3 Dwf)

    “I’ve dealt with him already. Come help me watch over the others.. he did something to them.” Feldard lead the elf to the others. “Will the enchantment eventually fade or is this permanent?”

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